
Steak, Chips, Coleslaw and BBQ Sauce

On a weekend we do enjoy a bit of a treat and for us enjoying a nice Sirloin Steak and Chips definitely falls into that category. You'd never guess that it wasn't me who did all of the shopping this week ;). I do appreciate it though, as I think it's just what I needed. 

We served it with French Fries, normally we would make wedges but we didn't fancy the fuss and so decided to use some frozen fries. If you're going to do this, please ensure that you check if they contain gluten, particularly if you're Celiac (I am not Celiac, so the effects aren't quite as bad on me) that they do not have gluten in them. I know McCains Oven Chips certify that they are gluten free, if you are in doubt. Some of their other fries and chips aren't though, so don't expect the whole range to be gluten free.

You can find the recipe for home made coleslaw in my Pulled Pork Recipe, we also used the BBQ Sauce from this recipe to serve alongside the steak.

If you are looking for some tips on how to cook steak, then please this site , as I think this gives some handy tips for cooking steak. We just seasoned the steaks, rubbed it in on both sides and cooked in a preheated frying pan according to how you like your steak. Please do remember to rest your steaks before serving.

What treats do you enjoy on a weekend?

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